Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time Lapse! YES!

WOW!  Can we say forgetful?  With so much seeming to go on, and yet nothing happening, this blogging thing should be simple for me to do!  I have nearly endless amounts of time and yet nothing gets done...

Forgive me my lapse and be forewarned it is likely to happen again.

Since Christmas....yikes...I'll have to dig out some pictures and show y'all the birthday girl who turned two at the end of December!  Then there was the new year to ring in which we slept through I think.  After that we had Momma's birthday (me) and now we are in February!  Come to reflect upon the last skipped month, I love these blog lapses!  Time flew based on that summary!! ;)

A gift to myself--Free Subway Art from Pinterest links

Okay, so it didn't exactly fly by but hey, summaries are great to make it seem like it can!  We had a wedding on Alyssa's birthday in our family so that was exciting and Alyssa LOVED the dance.  She danced the night away right next to the big floor speakers and would not let Momma pull her away for all the ear damage she would end up with...Following the wedding we had a birthday party that, get this, people actually got to come to!!!  Yes, a December birthday has some weather challenges quite often and this year we lucked out!  So the amount of cake that weekend was enough to give you a cavity just reading about it.  Cupcakes at daycare that Friday, cake at the wedding, and cake at the birthday party!  Two days...lots of sugar!

Inevitably the sugar crash came around and we subsequently slept through New Years Eve.

That I can recall, nothing supremely memorable happened between then and my birthday in mid January...I expected nothing special for my birthday as the only adult in the house.  I debated buying some cupcakes at the grocery store but didn't.  My mom and sister decided they were going to come up for my birthday.  My aunt, mom and sister took me out for lunch while my cousin watched Alyssa.  We did some shopping (I was given the choice to be dropped off at home or go with on the errands that my mom and sis were planning on doing that day since they'd be in town ya know).  When we went back to my place, mom and sis ran off for a couple more errands and Alyssa and I hunkered down for the afternoon.  But booyah!  They came back with cake!  Specifically carrot cake!!! mmmmmm....dang that was a good carrot cake!

And just so you see what my birthday would have been without my family around:
My Birthday--Her gift!  She got a new Kitchen!  Dang I have a cute looking birthday!

...and that brings us to February....as yet, nothing amazing going on.  I'll work on those pictures over the next day or three so watch for a photodump!