If nature is full of acts of God...then God really did not like my neighbor's trees and clearly disliked my yard as well.
We have had two occasions this year where a pine tree ended up being thrown into our backyard, through our fence. This second time happened last evening as I was gone picking up my daughter from daycare. I happened to get a Facebook notice on my phone saying
sooooo tree number 2 is down in your yard and it may have ripped off your power to your house
Yup...Can you guess what I said? Thankfully I was alone in the car. No censorship necessary when no one can hear you!
We get home and we had power still, we had cable still, and we had a 40 foot pine tree spanning the width of our backyard. Here are some lovely views from my kitchen window...
Why yes! Those are my power and cable lines! |
This tree spanned all but 5-6 feet of my yard. Thankfully it didn't quite reach the fence on the other side. |
Electrical mast (pipe) hanging at a 90* angle from the electrical box...bringing with it the gutters, shingles, and splintered pieces of fascia and roofing. |
My neighbor had called our energy company and they made sure to tell him if he sees any smoke before they get out there, that he should call the fire department. (Aren't those dispatchers so helpful?)
The energy company guys came, they unhooked our power (at supper time...with a hungry toddler and all electric appliances) and told me I'd need an electrician so they could continue with the work of getting my power back up and running. Where in the world am I going to find an electrician at 6pm on a Friday?!?!? This is where I develop some mushy hero worship of the older gentleman on the energy company crew. He not only called the electrician he uses for his house, but while we waited for them to come over (and yes, it was only about 20 minutes!) he took those shingles you see attached to the mast and put them back on my roof for me! Not that it fixes my overall issue but it sure does help keep some of the rain from going inside instead of on the ground...He did this all after asking if I knew any handy people. Sure I do! My main one is overseas, my dad is an hour away, and I have a couple in the Twin Cities (4hrs) and one more in the general area of us whose number I do not have....Does that help? Not a bit... (I don't mind pity when it comes in the form of pounding a couple nails into shingles on my roof!)
Under that tree is the sandbox in which I was planning on playing in with Alyssa after coming home that day. Glad we weren't half hour early! O_O
The electrical being fixed and back up in the air, we had a massive tree in the yard, a cable line still down (but power obviously was a little more important to me still so cable would wait) and no idea as to how much of an issue my exposed attic would pose over the weekend.
My parents finally chose to come up and take a look at my roof. I was relieved because at first my dad didn't seem inclined to drive the hour up and back over this...I was mentally wracking my brain for people I knew in the area who would know how to look at it, determine how long it'd be okay, and if there was anything that needed to be done ASAP--that they'd be able to do it. Yeah...like I said, I had one name in my head and no numbers to call (oh, and no power or internet to FB). So yes, I was greatly relieved that my dad was on his way.
All in all, we ordered a pizza for Alyssa and I to eat, got power back up and running, the roof will make it as is until at least Monday when I can find a contractor that works with insurance agencies and also talk to my insurance company to find out what kind of claims process needs to be started. Thank goodness no one was hurt.