Saturday, October 1, 2011

Internal Clocks vs Day to Day Life...

October....Wait, when did we switch months??  Oh good, it was just today.  Yeah, my internal calendar, clock and overall brain is on strike.  I don't know up from down, January from October or even awake from asleep at this point.  Alright, that last one happens pretty much from 2pm-5pm every day but still!

I am pretty certain that kids use naps as their 'down-time' but what about us parents?  Supposedly we are cleaning, cooking or maybe taking 5 minutes of the day to breathe finally and then nap time is over!  I almost wish that my daughter and I were on opposite sleeping schedules just to have a quiet house for longer than the span of an afternoon nap.  Does this make logical sense?  No.  Mostly because she is too little and too devious to be trusted on her own while I sleep in the other room (or violent enough to hit me on the face with something if I sleep on the couch).  Do those reasons stop me from thinking how blissful it might be?  Not a chance!

On the plus side, my child likes to take a 2+hr afternoon nap...I get those couple brief hours to regain my composure, store up a few reserve deep breaths and enter into round two swinging (mostly swinging her up into the air but you get the idea...).

This morning was exciting though, we got to skype with Papa!  Amid a few well placed squeals and many grins, we did get her to SAY "Papa"--once--but hey, we take what we get!  She also showed Papa a few things she has learned recently.  She identified her nose, eyes, ears, mouth, head, toes, fingers and belly button for him.  I'd say she had a very proud Papa at that moment.

Now that I have entered a mostly nonsensical post jumping from thought to thought, I will let you get on with your day which is probably more structured and actually follows a wall clock instead of the inner workings of a frayed Momma and an energizer child.  Good luck to us all!

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