Monday, October 17, 2011

A Military Family

Some days are amazing.  Some days make you realize that your family is much bigger than what you think it is.  Yesterday was one of those days.

These amazing people are a larger part of our family.  This is part of Chris' unit and our local FRG leaders.  They showed up at my house on Sunday around 2:30pm on drill weekend and put some of our lives back together.

They cleaned up the remaining pine tree debris from last week's adventure.

The guy on the right is using a jack to pull a branch out of the ground.  It was buried at least 2' deep!

Some of them started in on the fence right away.

H. even mowed my backyard to try and get more needles up using the bagger.

 There was so much going on that I don't have pictures of everything.  A couple people unhooked my outdoor water hoses to avoid winter issues.  They also fixed my yard's front gate so that it would swing close easily and not require my shoulder's weight into the fence!

All of this was an immense list of things I had to figure out how to get fixed and done.  It took them less than one hour...The teamwork was incredible and I was overwhelmed by everything being done for us.  It took less than an hour to have my yard back, my fence back, the gate working, water being winterized, and a mowed backyard!  None of this was expected and what was suggested by the FRG was the pine debris removed and the fence fixed.  These little extras were amazing and thoughtful and everything was wonderful.

I was able to post pictures to FB and Chris was moved to (he admits to only one in his eye) tears over the outpouring of support for our family from his military family.

So thank you, to our military and FRG family.  Thank you for something that may have seemed easy to you but means the world to me.

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