Monday, July 15, 2013

Six Months Ago

At this time back in January I had just turned 26 and had my first major surgery.  Honestly, being scared of the idea of surgery and the prospect of having it on my birthday was unnerving but my little guy was willing to go along with the plan and wait until the day after.  So today, because Wyatt is laid back and ready to go with the flow, he is 6 months old rather than 6 months and a day.

Weekend zoo fun.
He sits pretty well if he isn't tired.  He holds his own bottle when he doesn't want to be lazy (which if given the option he'll happily hand over the job).  He loves to eat his foods but gets impatient with the process still.  He doesn't mind baths or swimming overall unlike his sister.  Other than being late for a bottle, he is very calm and happy.  He keeps us on schedule even when we don't want to be...but rarely lets us use the car to knock him out long enough to get home.

He is a sweet baby boy who snuggles and wants nothing more than to hold my hair and marvel at the textures of everything he can grab.  If it can get in his mouth it seems even more magical!  He can scoot along but hasn't figured out the crawling pattern enough to get really cruising.  Toy pick-up is more crucial now because of that scoot being faster than you remember.  Playpens are NOT as fun as chasing down his sister's toys that are always just within scoot distance and the "frogger" is only acceptable for short bursts of time until he realizes that his sister is free to leave the room at a moment's notice.

Mister Wyatt has been nothing if not a relaxed baby.  He sleeps, eats, and well, yeah.  Just like every other baby out there except that he babbles rather than cries.  Smiles are abundant.  Snuggles are always welcome.  Giggles are contagious.  Chewing is mandatory.  And playing with his feet is one of his greatest joys.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching my two babies growing up together.  Seeing Alyssa get excited when he scoots across a blanket or babbles 'mama' (which is not a word yet even if the toddler is certain of it).

I'm having so much fun seeing him grow and learn!  I can hardly wait to see how far he goes over just the next six months.  I love my babies!

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