Friday, February 8, 2013

A Typical Day....

Things are starting to settle into a predictable pattern finally.

Wyatt wakes up 2-3 times each night for bottles--what I consider 'night' for the kids though is Alyssa's bedtime until her 'green light' to get up rather than times I'm asleep though.

Alyssa gets up and rouses a tired Momma by yelling "Green Light, Momma!!  It's GREEN LIGHT!"  We get breakfast going and it must be eaten before going downstairs to play with the kitties who are still being acclimated to the new house and therefore are restricted to the downstairs temporarily.

Nala (the dog) gets tormented dozens-tens of dozens of times daily by a toddler who enjoys bullying the poor little dog.  I'm waiting not-so-patiently for her to nip Alyssa's hand/arm to make her realize that pulling tails or grabbing fur on the back/sides is NOT a good idea.  (Yes, I have tried all sorts of methods to get her to stop these actions and I am at a loss other than she is in need of the hard way of learning apparently for this one...*sigh*)  Thankfully our poor, tormented dog is a little 1/2 chihuahua mix and has endured so much abuse from this girl without actually biting (lots of growling though) that I'm fairly confident that if she does get nipped it'll be a warning shot much like the two dog bites I've received from my large dog when I was growing up.  Oh, did I forget to mention that she inherited her love of egging animals on from my toddler self?  Yeah....sadly I had the hard lesson as well but it was a quick learn!

Papa gets up early and goes to work and is home in the late afternoon most days.  This relieves a lot of my stress because this begins the downhill spiral towards bedtime that many parents of toddlers are well aware of.

Supper is hit or miss on how well the toddler behaves.

After supper is a crazy blur of anything from snuggles with a movie, downstairs playtime (tea anyone?), or meltdown modes over animal torture punishments.  Any combination of those can be found around here on any given day of course.  Thank goodness I've got at least a few months before I have to start scolding Wyatt for chasing the poor dog!

Any recommendations on a good toddler/doggy relationship therapist?

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