Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Three Years Old and Always a Handful...

Our daughter has been working very hard to drive both Papa and Momma into the loony bin lately.  Mostly she is just being Three(!) but the big issue happens to be her behavior with the animals.  Nala, the poor little 9lbs dog that we have, is tormented nearly every waking moment that Alyssa can possibly spare in between bites of lunch and asking 209809845 versions of "why" a day.  The cats barely leave the unfinished portion of the basement that is gated off (Sanctuary! Sanctuary!) when she is awake.  Overall, Alyssa seems to have lost all of her listening skills when she is dealing with growling or hissing animals.  Rather, she simply laughs, or shriek-giggles, in their faces and nearly gets bit.

Truly, she will learn one of these days that the nicer she is, the sooner the pets will actually come to her instead of running away.

So enter a new and fun issue...MESSES!

Monday--open a weight attached to a balloon, which happened to be sand, on the living room carpet.
Tuesday--Dawn poured out all over kitchen and dining room floors.

--soap in eye while washing it off hands....*sigh, Momma needs to make sure to put toddler's hair in ponytail before letting her wash her hands while cleaning up messes*
--Removes own dirty diaper and THEN yells for me....Thanks kid.

What will Wednesday bring me??  Hopefully a nap!  I mean, I vacuumed on Monday and mopped on Tuesday...I should be good for the week, right? HA!

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