Sunday, October 14, 2012

Favorite Baby Things

Everyone has this list.  Anyone who has Pinterest and is or is planning to be pregnant has a list pinned (or ten).  Every list is different and every list is both right and wrong.

No amount of lists will have you prepared for Baby.  Embrace that fact and you will feel better about getting overwhelmed later knowing full well that you are allowed to be overwhelmed.  That said, every mother has a list of things she LOVES (and a longer list of things she LOATHES) and an innate desire to share said lists.  I am no exception so here you go!

  1. Boppy  --I don't think I've seen a list without this item or a similar one.  I'm not a breast feeder so don't think it isn't for you just based on your feeding method of choice.  First Boppy tip:  Get it early.  You can use it to lay on your stomach for a few minutes of bliss after you've lost the ability to do so without squishing an inside baby into all your soft organs.  After you get too big to use it for that your arms will learn to love it during all those middle of the night feedings when you can't seem to find the strength for lifting a diaper let alone a baby.  Finally it becomes a wonderful pillow for your child as they age.  I've seen some people use it as tummy time practice but I found it a little too big for that purpose until she had her head control down and didn't require the tummy time so much as the propping help to learn to sit.
  2. Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment (butt cream)  --Alyssa was prone to diaper rash.  The zinc based creams dried out her skin which is the point but they did it so well for her that her butt cracked/chapped and bled.  The pediatrician told us to try this brand because it is not zinc based and it was so much better for her bum.  It took a little longer for the rash to clear up but the pain and chapping was no longer a problem.
  3. Swaddle Blankets!  I LOVE the Aden and Anais cotton/muslin swaddle blankets that we got after realizing that our newborn was too big for plain receiving blankets for more than a week.  I did NOT love the price tag though.  Imagine my pure joy at discovering the same type (they feel the same to me in store and the material is muslin just like A&A) of blankets being offered by Carter's for much less cost!
  4. Baby Einstein Music and Discover Travel Mirror  --This was my car ride savior but I would love if it had a remote start like some different brands do.  I was happy enough with a nice long timer on it though.  Just don't expect to actually see your kid in those mirrors because they aren't mirror quality that really works for more than baby to look into for fun.  It really is the music and lights that make this a favorite.
  5. Dr. Bloom's Chewable Jewels  --If your child wants every bracelet he/she can reach, you may want one or two of these.  We did the necklace to keep things from falling to the ground quite so often.
  6. Pacifier wipes  --I know, I know.  How dumb that these are on my list.  My original thought was okay, neat, food safe but I can just use a baby wipe or rinse it off.  How often do you think you are actually near a sink or water fountain when you need one?  As for the baby wipe idea that I had....well, you wipe a nuk or a teether down with one and stick it in your mouth and see how that tastes.  I used them mostly during the time period that they had no control over their own mouths and couldn't keep their toys or nuks where they were supposed to be.
  7. Hyland's Teething Tablets  --I was prepared for teething.  I had all the orajel one kid could possibly consume during teeth coming in for both baby set and adult set!  Of course this only meant that my child stubbornly did not respond to orajel once.  It didn't help one ounce.  I don't even remember if I found these on the shelf at Target or if I found them on a forum first but they were MAGIC.  (Use what works for your child because I'm told that each one could be different for what works...stubborn kids.)
  8. Cozy Cover --This is for babies in infant carriers during the really cold months.  Alyssa--December baby.  Baby #2--January baby (barring any early deliveries that would be TOO early).  Why do I love this thing?  I think you can see why this is a smart (and SAFE) option to keep ittybitty baby warmer/out of of the winter winds.
  9. Ear Thermometer  (We got this way later after too many fights over a normal one.  Little did we know that this would make Dr. appointments less scary too for Alyssa!)
  10. White Noise Machine  --any brand, any price, any look.  Just get one so you don't become that parent who can only whisper and tiptoe during naptime or bedtime.  Alyssa likes the river and rain settings still at age 2.  Short of colic I refuse to be the parent who says "SHHHH! The baby is sleeping!"  Well, to anyone but the barking dog.  I fully believe that her ability to sleep on the living room floor while three adults converse at normal to just below normal tones is due to that machine.
  11. Cloth Diapers  --I love my disposable diapers for the butts but there is no burp/spit rag better than one intended for the other end!  Just learn from me and do not get the gauzy ones because they bunch up faster through washing machine loads.

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