Monday, March 11, 2013

Showers--long gone...

...and then bathroom breaks were outlawed.

We all know it.  Something, anything really, can happen in the split second that you turn your head.  Even more can happen in that one bathroom break you allow yourself during the day when kids are home with you.

My husband was downstairs doing some organizing projects (mounting cabinets in the laundry room) so we can unpack more boxes.  I was upstairs with the two children.  Go figure that Momma would need a bathroom break at some point during the day.  Alyssa was watching her show and Wyatt was sleeping in his seat.  We do this every day.  We take 1 minute to go to the bathroom, or to put away a stack of clean clothes, or load the dishwasher, make a box of mac and cheese...whatever.  Except usually nothing dangerous happens.

We had a pet bathroom accident that morning.  Chris cleaned it up and the day went on.  I went to the bathroom.  I came bolting out mid-hand-drying at a scream from Wyatt, the quietest kid out there.  Alyssa had gotten her hands on the 'soap' (also known as Resolve Pet Cleaner) and was cleaning up by spraying.  She sprayed her sleeping brother right in the face.  I screamed.  I ran.  I snatched my baby up and went straight back into the bathroom and threw on the faucet in the tub.  The cup for rinsing toddler hair was filled and poured repeatedly to rinse as much chemical cleaner off his face and away from his eyes.  Chris grabbed up rags and brought them to me and was promptly dispatched to call poison control to make certain the steps needed to be taken.  Momma was bawling, Wyatt was bawling, Alyssa was very concerned about Momma, and Papa was on the phone.

Rest easy, everything is fine.  No hospital trips required, no staying up all night to observe, and no lasting damage.  Getting the peroxide away from his eyes immediately was exactly what needed to be done and if any got in his mouth when he cried out all he needed was something cold to relieve any small discomfort from the small amount that it could have been.  (Thankfully Wyatt likes a cool/cold bottle so that was a simple task.)  His scalp is dried out of course from the peroxide but he follows all movement as well as before and is a happy little boy still.  He was grinning less than a half hour later (while Momma was still bawling and apologizing for taking that last bathroom break).


Of course I cannot simply skip bathroom breaks all day, every day.  Neither can I skip making meals for the toddler or letting the dog outside.  Obviously the cleaner is not waiting for the next trip back down to the laundry room to be put all the way away any longer, but I still don't think I'll be doing anything short of putting Wyatt in his room and closing the door (with a knob protector on the outside) until he can run away from his sister on his own power during any half minute chore from now on.  Only how many years until they are off to school??

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