Wednesday, March 6, 2013

When Showers Are In Danger...

Kids should come with the Jaws music...

Survival mode sets in quickly for new parents.  Food and bathroom breaks are really all you need most days....who knew?!  I mean all we need on hand are the jars of peanut butter, loaves of bread and the toaster if you have a spare extra minute or two for toasting (go cold sandwich version for lunch and supper if you still are doing three meals a day).

You can get away with looking like a hobo if your toddler looks half way put together and they catch a quick glimpse of a happy tiny infant trying to catch any spare scrap of attention away from his more vocal sibling.  Your biggest problem is if you have someone come to the door during nap time.  Your hobo look is much more awkward when you don't appear to have multiple kids distracting you from your own hygiene.  Speaking of people coming to the do they always *know* when nap time is?!?!?

Okay, so the occasional shower, cat nap, or even getting out of pajamas sound nice but really, who needs that minty flavor of brushed teeth?

So to those of you still in survival mode, I promise, you will get past it.  I can't promise when, but I can promise you get there.  I'm grateful to be approaching the end of this perpetual state of 'ugh' but I have a fear that nighttime showers will continue as the norm for the remainder of my kids-at-home life.  *sigh*

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