Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Resolutions?

Happy New Year!!

Today being the first day of 2013 we are all on the bandwagons we have selected (whether that be weight loss/gym going, making homemade meals, getting ahead on personal debt, developing some spectacular new organizing system in your home, or even that "I resolve to make no resolution" wagon).  I wish you all luck with your personal choice of how to tackle 2013!

For myself, I have decided to take it easy.  I recently was directed (via a friend's Facebook link) to a mildly, possibly drastically, offensive but still motivating opinion article (WARNING: language content may be offensive within linked article!) that made me stop to think.  Now, please, PLEASE don't run off and get offended by this article at first read.  I could have and my gut wanted me to but I read it through, twice, and some (if not all) of the points hit home for me.  I frequently lament my lack of talent in various areas of my life--can't cook, can't sew, can't can't can't...Why?  Because I haven't bothered to learn.  Will I ever become the next Food Network Star?  Only if y'all need instruction on how to open a laptop to order Pizza Hut or using Google Maps to get to the nearest Applebee's!  This certainly doesn't mean that I shouldn't TRY to become more proficient in my cooking skills (like not getting burned every time I use a fry pan for ANY kind of meat...seriously- this goal alone should make me a star!).

No, I'm not going to make a firm resolution of X number of homemade meals or new recipes or even including boxes of mac and cheese.  I'm not going to sew a certain number or type of projects this year.  I AM going to improve a skill.  Something measurable, something that people can see if they are involved in whatever aspect of life it falls into for me...this is what a skill should be considered.  I don't need to be Suzie Homemaker, Martha Stewart, or Carol Brady.  I do need to feel better about what I am able to do.  I've picked up a new hobby this year...paper crafting.  I enjoy it!  It makes me feel good and I produce something out of my efforts.  Right now they aren't amazing but they can get better!  2013 I am aiming to improve at my hobby.  I want to make cards for events that I am proud to give.  I want to make decorations for parties that I throw that even if no one comments, I can look at and smile because of!

Yes, I plan to improve my cooking but this is continual and more about survival of my family (and my limbs) than a year's goal...I plan to do better at cleaning house, again, not a goal worthy of a resolution but more a necessity.  I hope to teach myself to eat better and exercise more.  I just think that 2013 needs to be a year where my resolution is something to boost my self-esteem without guilting myself into things to get it done.

So, 2013, no numbers, no scheduled deadlines (well, other than 2014).  Just something that I'm enjoying and putting time and effort into improving in it!

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