Here we go! We are in the last couple days before the new guy finally gets here and my physical body is the only thing actually ready for it.
The house is still in general chaos (what can I really expect having moved in roughly a week before Baby Boy joins us?). The crib isn't even assembled!! We don't have a crib mattress yet! Most of the baby stuff is in storage four hours away. The clothes that I have for him--admittedly sparse still--are still in the apartment along with the car seat (thankfully that isn't four hours away!). We just bought the first bottles for him Wednesday night (less than a week before he gets here remember and one of the first things you need for a bottle feeding baby!)...Can we say UNPREPARED, people??
While I am mostly concerning myself with the baby prep and the related house things that will make my life easier coming home from a c-section which I'm sure I'm working up into a much more horrific recovery than I need to-hopefully...My husband is dealing with the rest of our lives. He is basically a rock and even rocks can show cracks now and then. Between work (he is the first and only IT guy at his company and they are hitting major renovations pretty much RIGHT NOW), school (he is going for his BA, or maybe it'd be a BS in computer stuffs..yeah, I suck at technology), moving a family, and welcoming a baby and a recovering wuss of a wife home...well, let's just say that he deserves some kind of reward! Like something massive IMO...I figure I'm not "pushing" this time so maybe he needs the "Push Present" that I heard tales of last time.
So just to clarify...I am literally days (DAYS) away from delivery. We are still in moving process. My hubby is AMAZING. Oh, and he has drill just under an hour out of town this weekend...don't we have such wonderful timing? At least we made it past Christmas...wish us luck! Please?
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