Friday, December 21, 2012

Elf Days 13-21

Sorry y'all!  I've clearly been slacking in my Elf posts...I did miss a few days of pictures so there will be a couple gaps in this post as well but they weren't all that exciting anyways.

Here is Flower upside down over the dining table making sure we try anything on our plates!


Naptime Patrol:  **Make sure your child is NOT scared of your elf before he enters their room!  We were smart enough to hold off until half way through the month before we left the public areas...The reaction was full of giggles for us.


Flower must have been sleepy this night because he simply landed on the vertical blinds valence.


Well, Flower felt like going for a gallop.  The immediate reaction upon discovery was a demand for the pony to be turned over...Of course the elf magic outweighed the sad pony friends so Flower was allowed to continue his ride.  Later that day it was much more amusing to Alyssa who was starting to enjoy the tricks he was playing.


My personal favorite:  Flower fixed a jingle bell bracelet that had broken using ornament string.  It became reins for the stuffed reindeer (Kohl's has those $5 stuffed toys and books that donate profits to St Judes or other children's hospitals and this was one from this season).  Alyssa LOVED this!  Not only were there jingle bells involved, but she was informed that Flower would probably leave them for her to play with the next day.  We also had just watched Polar Express the night before and Alyssa loved that jingle bell from the reins too so it was very fitting.


Flower wanted to play some Xbox so he climbed into the cabinet where the games are currently kept.  Alyssa was very concerned once she found him.  He was locked in (there are hidden magnet child proofing locks on our TV cabinets) and Alyssa thought he was stuck for good.

"Me need the magnet!!  Me help him!"
I was able to convince her that he would use his magic to get out just like he did to get in though it took a few minutes.


Flower seems to trust Alyssa finally.  He has come down within reach and so far no incidents or accidents.  Alyssa did stay back and refused to say 'hi' to Flower after finding him though.  However, he brought her a special book all the way from the North Pole and she did thank him for it.  Later she tried to give him a drink of water but a quick reminder about his magic and she let him be again.


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