Friday, November 30, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day Thirty!

The final day in November and we are still in our month by month apartment.  With a close date finally settled and contracted we have an end in sight to the expensive apartment contract!  We will be done and out of the apartment by the end of January (actually we are aiming for mid January so we are settled into the house before Baby Brother joins us but we have to pay through January).  I am so thankful for all the things that have allowed us to do this monthly apartment and be together.  Chris' job, pet sitters (!!), (sadly) our savings, friends who let Chris couch-surf for months, the sale of our other house, family that gave Alyssa and I a space for a little more than a week to live, and so many other things that eventually fell into place.  Of course we didn't escape completely unscathed (see savings....) but we were able to live together for the last 3 months (and the next month and half that we wouldn't have if we didn't have the apartment).  It has been a blessing for our family albeit an expensive one.  I guess it isn't officially over but the light is visible and we are excited!

(On a completely side note:  I never thought I'd actually make it through the month without missing at least one Thankfulness post!  Yay me!!)

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