Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Social Media Disrespect

I really didn't want to go there...I REALLY did not think I'd feel the need to go there.  Fine, I'm going there!

I am absolutely horrified by the reactions I have seen not only directed at the winner of the presidential race but almost more so at the insults being hurled at voters from across the aisles.  I have never thought I'd be disappointed in knowing some of my friends and family in this way.  I would never have imagined that people I have known and loved and respected would use sweeping generalizations to insult my and others intelligence or morals based on a single (albeit crucial) vote.

Besides those offending social media posts (which thankfully I had no one in my sphere personally inciting violence or wishing death on voters)  I have seen mentions of moving countries.  I'd never be so disappointed in a single race result that it would make me give up on the REST OF MY VOTES.  We have the three branches of government to give us that balance to protect our interests.  BTW--moving to Canada to avoid the 'socialist USA' is probably not the most logical choice...consider a different option for your happiness.

Lastly--I am not in the military.  The President of the United States is my husband's highest boss in this country, not truly mine.  I may not have voted for Romney but I was prepared to respect him as the President and Commander in Chief.  This is what I feel the spirit of an American should do, EMBRACE the President.  You can't change the election results now.  We need to work TOGETHER to get anything done and it has been a very long time since that has been a common goal on most things in government.  I am shocked at the disrespect I saw last night and today directed at the Commander in Chief by military members specifically.  Not only is that generally frowned upon but some of the comments could easily lead to backlash as behavior unbecoming of a military member.

All of this ranting aside, I recognize the freedom of speech and I respect the obvious fact that their opinions and beliefs were on the 'losing' side last night and that would clearly be disappointing to anyone.  I would not wish for my friends and family to simply "shut up and sit down" as I've seen a few people respond with or any of the other disrespectful responses from this side of the aisle!  I would wish them to be more respectful of others though.  I would wish them to realize that their words, though able to be deleted from the Facebook walls, cannot be unread and CAN be hurtful or impact a relationship offline.

Please, I ask you on ALL SIDES to CALM DOWN and BE RESPECTFUL.  Everyone has their beliefs which led to their vote.  Everyone is entitled to this.  No one is stupid, immoral, or a moron for those reasons.  No one should be shot, deported, blown up, or even simply unfriended on Facebook based simply on how they voted  (though constant mockery and bullying remarks are grounds for social media blocking in my opinion)!

Thank you for allowing me to rant here and bearing with me.  Now let's get our Congress to work together and get some things actually accomplished this term that will be good for our nation as a whole please?  Kumbaya anyone?

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